Transmitting Bragg Grating (TBG) Specifications

Specifications for transmitting Bragg grating in PTR glass
Product code for Transmitting Bragg Gratings (TBG) has the following main structure:
WL – resonant wavelength (nm)DE – diffraction efficiency (%)
Additional grating parameters are:
IA – incident Bragg angle (deg)
EA – exit angle after the grating (deg)
T, W, H – grating thickness, width, and height (mm×mm×mm)
AR – optional antireflection coating (narrowband NB or broadband BB); if not specified – uncoated grating (U)
Product code for Transmitting Bragg Gratings (TBG) has the following main structure:
GL – grating losses (%)
AS – angular selectivity (mrad)
WS – wavelength or spectral selectivity (nm)
d – grating period (um)
n – refractive index at resonant wavelength
RIM – refractive index modulation (ppm)
SL – grating slant angle inside the glass wafer (deg)