Ultra-short pulse stretcher / compressor
BragGrate-Pulse is the first commercially available Chirped Bragg Grating (CBG) based product designed for the stretching and compression of femtosecond and picosecond laser pulses in Chirped Pulse Amplification (CPA) and other Ultra-Short Pulse Laser (USPL) systems. It is a volume Bragg grating in reflecting geometry with a period that gradually varies along the direction of the beam propagation (CBG). It is the most compact and robust stretcher/compressor solution for high energy and high average power ultra-short pulsed laser systems.
- Spectral bandwidth: 0.2-100 nm
- Operating range: 700-2500 nm
- Thickness: up to 50 mm
- Stretching time: up to 0.5 ns (FWHM)
- Efficiency: 50-99%
- Apertures: up to 10×10 mm2
- M2 < 1.3
Typical Specs of BragGrate™- Pulse for 1030 nm spectral range
- Center wavelength: 1030 nm
- Spectral bandwidth: 5 – 25 nm
- Diffraction efficiency: >85%
- Thickness: 20 – 45 mm
- Stretching time (FWHM): ~ 300 ps
- Dispersion rate: ~ 6, 12, 25, 60 ps/nm (linear)
- Compressed pulse duration: < 200 fs
Product Features
- Compact geometry and easy-to-align
- Ideal for industrial and scientific applications
- High power operation (above 200W average power)
- High energy operation (up to 2 mJ pulse energy)
- Environmentally stable
- Robust, easy to handle and clean
- Stretcher and Compressor in one element
Stretcher and Compressor for Ultra Short Pulse and Chirped Pulse Amplification (CPA) laser systems

Output beam shape after passing 30-mm thick BragGrate™ Pulse in both directions

Compressed pulse profile theoretical vs measured data with 30-mm thick BragGrate™ Pulse