Reflecting Bragg Grating (RBG) Specifications

Specifications for reflecting Bragg grating (RBG) in PTR glass

Product code for Reflecting Bragg Gratings (RBG) has the following main structure:

WL – resonant wavelength (nm)
DE – diffraction efficiency (%)

Additional grating parameters are:


IA – incident Bragg angle (deg)

EA – exit angle after the grating (deg)

T, W, H – grating thickness, width, and height (mm×mm×mm)

AR – optional antireflection coating (narrowband NB or broadband BB); if not specified – uncoated grating (U)

Reference parameters can be requested to specify grating design for particular applications:


GL – grating losses (%)

AS – angular selectivity (mrad)

WS – wavelength or spectral selectivity (nm)

– grating period (um)

n – refractive index at resonant wavelength

RIM – refractive index modulation (ppm)

SL – grating slant angle inside the glass wafer (deg)

Transmitting Bragg gratings can be designed and manufactured within the following range of their parameters
Reflecting Bragg gratings can be designed and manufactured within the following range of their parameters in Table 1:
For a sample grating RBG-980-80, the full set of the grating parameters and their tolerances is shown in Table 2: