Transversally Chirped Bragg Gratings TCBG
The BragGrate™ Tuner is a reflecting volume Bragg grating with chirped period in one direction across its aperture, recorded in a bulk of photosensitive silicate glass. BragGrate™ Tuners can be used as an output coupler or HR mirror in a laser resonator. It enables both spectral stabilization and tuning of the laser radiation. High laser damage threshold makes these gratings suitable for usage in high power and high energy pulsed lasers. Tunable lasers based on TCBG are simple, compact, and robust. Simple linear translation of grating without angular adjustment is needed for wavelength tuning. Lasers with TCBG can operate in SLM regime.
- Spectral Range: 600-2500 nm
- Diffraction Efficiency: 5-99%
- Spectral Bandwidth (FWHM): 50- 500 GHz
- Tuning Range: 1- 30 nm
- Chirp: Linear Across full aperture
- Typical Aperture: 5×20 mm; 20×20 mm
- Multiplexed Gratings for Idle/Signal Control
Advantages & Features
- Tuning range above 20nm
- High power/High optical radiation
- High operation temperatures
- Continuous tuning, no mode hope
- Wide range SF tuning
- Compact/Simple cavity design
- The key advantage of the BragGrate™ Tuner is high LIDT, which makes these elements applicable for tunable pulsed lasers (Q-switched, OPO, OPA etc.).
- Tunable Output coupler
- Tunable Total Mirror
- Tunable Filter
- Spectral Beam Combination

Performance of fiber Laser with TCBG

Tuning Range of BragGrate™ Tuner at 795 nm