- Demonstrated novel VBG technology for high efficiency spectral beam combining (SBC) of fiber and diode lasers.
- Delivered to customers Chirped Bragg gratings providing stretching time up to 1-nsec.
- Demonstrated first narrow line 795 nm SEOP Laser Diode system with 60W linearly polarized output power and wavelength and linewidth tuning capability.
- Commercial monolithic Raman notch filters with OD>5 at 532 and 633 nm.
- OptiGrate opened a new, state of the art, Volume Bragg grating (VBG) manufacturing facility in Oviedo, FL.
- Received the ‘Small Manufacturer of the Year’ President’s award from the Manufacturers Association of Central Florida.
- Our BragGrate™ Pulse with stretching time exceeding 500 ps became commercially available.
- OptiGrate is named as a “50 Florida Companies to Watch” award winner.
- We demonstrated our first monolithic multi-band Notch filter with 99.9% Optical Density at two different wavelengths.
- First 2.5 um BragGrate™ Pulse elements are successfully manufactured and deployed.
- Achieved world’s first monolithic laser with our volume Bragg gratings consisting of Nd, Er, and Yb doped Photo-Thermo-Refractive (PTR) glass.
- OptiGrate delivered KW-class DPAL pump units with 10 GHz line width.
- Launched full product line of ultra-narrow band BragGrate™ Raman filters with wavelengths from 488 to 1064 nm.
- Our first monolithic Notch filter with >99.999% and bandwidth <10 cm^1 at 785 nm was produced.
- Photo-Thermo-Refractive glass with an absorption rate lower than 1×10-4 cm-1 at 1 micron was demonstrated.
- 100×100 mm2 high energy laser target boards in PTR glass was manufactured.
- OptiGrate was awarded NASA and U.S Air Force funding to develop fiber laser technologies.
- World’s first 200W laser diode module with 20 pm line width was made.
- Dr. Alexei Glebov joined OptiGrate as President and CEO.
- We demonstrated our chirped Bragg grating based femtosecond pulse compressor with 90% efficiency.
- Produced high efficiency gratings with 60×60 mm2 lateral dimensions.
- U.S. Navy awards OptiGrate with funding to produce ultra-short pulse laser (USPL) stretcher and compressor technology.
- First 30W VBG- Laser was built with 10 GHz linewidth.
- OptiGrate introduced volume Bragg grating filter with a 20 pm spectral width.
- New glass fabrication facility was opened in Orlando, FL.
- OptiGrate’s volume Bragg grating passed 20 kW laser radiation test.
- First UV volume Bragg grating was demonstrated at 390 nm with 90% efficiency.
- We launched our BragGrate™ Combiner product for kW-class spectral beam combining.
- OptiGrate developed our PTR glass technology with 100 mm lateral dimensions and absorption of 3×10-4 cm-1 at 1 micron.
- Achieved an absolute diffraction efficiency of 99.7% in VBG.
- Created our first high efficiency gratings with 35×35 mm2 lateral dimensions.
- New, high-tech holographic facility is opened in Orlando, FL.
- OptiGrate received its first volume order for VBG’s.
- Reflecting Bragg grating filter with diffraction efficiency >99.999% was made.
- OptiGrate was awarded Phase II STTR Government contract.
- Initial chirped Bragg grating compressor for ultra-short pulse lasers was built.
- The core patent for our platform technology was issued.
- Discovery of non-linear photosensitivity of the PTR glass to visible radiation.
- OptiGrate received its first commercial order for reflecting Bragg gratings for Laser Diode (LD) stabilization system.
- We demonstrated our first successful reflecting Bragg grating based tunable filter.
- First demonstration of spectral and angular narrowing and stabilization of diode lasers with volume Bragg gratings as a part of a program funded by the Department of Defense.
- We discovered the third harmonic generation in VBG’s.
- We were awarded an exclusive license for our platform technology from the University of Central Florida.
- OptiGrate received its first U.S. Government contract.
- OptiGrate demonstrated VBG’s with 98% diffraction efficiency.
- Light Processing and Technologies Inc. was established in Orlando, FL (AKA OptiGrate).